Monday, May 24, 2010

Antibes May 24th

We love Antibes! We love it so much that we tried to book another night at our little hotel, but unfortunately weren't able to. So we're taking that as a sign that it's time to move on.

Antibes, in my opinion, is the equivalent of a North American surf town (like Tofino, or some major beach down in California), but French, which still counts as a "cultural experience" in my mind. There are little ice cream shops and smoothie stands everywhere you go, sandy beaches, and a marina full of HUGE yachts (we're talking the kind with helicopters parked on top). There is an old city wall on which you can stroll, and narrow shady cobble stone streets lined with lush crawling vines and brightly-coloured flowers. Bakery windows full with croissants, and sidewalk cafes serving crepes and coffee. Staying here was like taking a vacation from our vacation.

We had a pretty lazy day just strolling around, then sipping wine on the sidewalk patio in front of our hotel as we tried to plan the rest of our vacation (after much discussion, we decided to play it by ear like we always do). We then finished the day with a fantastic dinner at "L'Aubergine", a small little restaurant owned and operated by a husband and wife team, with just a handful of tables (the wife was the hostess/server and the husband was the chef). I started with sundried tomato and basil mousse served with grilled baguette and mixed greens, and then had salmon served with fresh pesto and a side of risotto. Dan started with eggplant marinated in balsamic, and then had beef brochettes with a herb-buttered potato. We then each had a creme brulee (with all the right accents that I can't figure out how to use in this blog). Mine was a white chocolate one, while Dan's was a dark chocolate one. Both were absolutely delicious! I loved how part way through our meal, the chef came out to ask how things were.

I have a funny little story about our experience at the restaurant. Shortly after we sat down, I took off my jean jacket and noticed for the first time exactly how burnt I was from our afternoon stroll along the marina. As I was looking at my shoulders in horror, the restaurant owner came over and told me that I should put either lemon or vinegar on the burn to soothe it. I thanked her for her suggestion, but really, I was already trying to remember where the nearest pharmacy was so that I coud buy some aloe vera gel. Although I did find her suggestion interesting - perhaps all people in this region use lemon or vinegar to soothe a burn? After finishing our appetizer and waiting for our entree, the lady approached us with half a lemon in hand. By this time, the restaurant had alread filled up - some people were locals, but the people right next to us were British. She handed me the lemon and told me to use it on my burn. I thanked her very much for the lemon, started wrapping it in the papertowel she gave me, and told her I would use it once I got back to my hotel. "Mais no! Use it now - it will help!". So, there I was, in the restaurant, rubbing lemon all over my arms and shoulders, with and elderly British couple sneaking sideways glances at me, thinking God knows what. A little embarrassing. Although, I have to say, it worked!

For those of you who know about my ongoing quest for all things chocolate and peanut butter, I have to say that I made a little discovery today. We came across an English grocery store that sold a Reese chocolate bar that I've never seen or heard of! It was called Reese Nutrageous, and while I have to say it was a cultural low to spend calories on a Reese chocolate bar rather than a freshly baked French pastry, it was very tasty and I have no regrets!

While Dan and I are disappointed to move on, we both know that we will come back here one day. Tomorrow morning we're off to Italy, starting with Cinque Terre. I'm not sure if we'll be staying at a place with WiFi, so if not, we'll post again once we get to Florence.

Au revoir for now!



  1. Loved them lemon story! I can hear the chef's wife now, speaking with her friend..."you WOULD NOT BELIEVE what I got this Canadian girl to do! And right in our restaurant! We're uploading it to YouTube tonight, so you can see for yourself."

  2. Dan and Karen, I am enjoying your blog so much especially this post. I almost feel as though I'm reading my own travel blog. Brad and I take great enjoyment in the food of travel too. And like you I am crazy about peanut butter and chocolate and would go to the same lengths to satisfy the cravings.
