Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 22 and May 23 Avignon, and off to Antibes!

We had a great day yesterday. I'm pretty sure I could live here.

Pretty jetlagged, "we" (meaning me because Dan was up by 5am) got up at around 9:30, and wandered downstairs for the buffet breakfast. I love how breakfasts here are just like sitting in my Oma's kitchen when I was a little. Rye bread, boiled eggs, cheeses of all kinds, croissants, yogurt, orange juice. I felt right at home. Dan of course ate his favourite French pastry - pain au chocolat (like a croissant, but shaped like a rectangle, with two streams of dark chocolate running through it). I think I lost count at three.
After eating breakfast, posting the blog, showering etc., it was about noon by the time we stepped outside into a summer's day (approx. 27c). Avignon is a quaint little town with cobble stone streets and a history that dates back centuries. After wandering the pedestrian-only shopping district, and checking out the local market, we toured the Palais des Papes - a vast and empty palace built in the 1300s, housing 9 consecutive popes who were avoiding political tension in Rome. Napolean then used it for military barracks, stripping the palace of most of its original furniture and decor. Although empty, it was fascinating to see the secret corridors, doorways, sprial staircases, the dining hall, the kitchen and the huge cathedral. After the palace, we climbed to the top of a great little park overlooking the river, with a duck pond and fountain, and a fantastic little cafe. We both ordered sandwiches, and of course, they weren't just sandwiches. Each one of us ate a whole baguette for lunch. It always amazes me how much food I can put back when it's super yummy (my baguette was the "Italian" with tomatoes, basil, mozzarella (the real stuff) and olive oil and Dan's was tuna, boiled egg, black olives, and of course, no cheese). We then moved on to the famous bridge. Pont d'Avignon! Yes, I was the tacky tourist who did a little danse just so that I could say I danced on the bridge. I didn't want to embarrass Dan too much, so really, it was just a little movement of my arms.Today we travelled to Antibes, which was a long train ride from Avignon. Really, it was only four hours and one train change, but it was smoking hot with no open windows or air conditioning. We're both pretty tired, but are super happy to have found a great little hotel near the centre of town (thanks again to Rick Steves). It's on a courtyard within walking distance to the water, and we have our very own terrace! We are on the second floor, and our room opens up to a tiled patio with a little table and chairs, vines, bamboo, and a canvas stretched over half of it for shade. I am writing this on the terrace. I love Antibes so far! But the walk and the terrace is pretty much all we've seen, so we're going to head out for dinner now and explore the town.

We'll post again soon!

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